Saturday, September 29, 2012

Keeping my garden green...or not?

Six months ago we said goodbye to our three little chickens (to be honest I was suprised they were still alive, I am the laziest pet owner in history...evidence that I should never buy a pet with a life span of 3 years +).  I did love fresh eggs, and the noises they made when they were laying, but after three years I was getting a bit over cleaning up the poop, them digging up all my plants and spreading bark all over the patio.  I knew I wanted to do more gardening this year..and in our backyard the two activities just didn't seem to go together.  

So I have been spending a lot more time in the garden, and am loving this time of year where its perfect weather to just sit and weed.  Yep, I am a little addicted to weeding.  I get to sit outside with baby boy and just zone out and pull weeds.  Very therapeutic...until I realised I am losing.  The weeds are winning, and no amount of hand weeding is going to save my front yard from bindii's.  So today I sucummbed and bought some weed it sad that I felt sick pulling it off the shelf.  I hate the thought of spraying chemicals on the grass where my son and I play, but if i don't spray it I can't see how I can stop my grass being taken over by the bad guys.  UUGGHH!   Can someone please commercialise a safe and effective weed killer.  I read this book last year, and unfortunately it has fueled my weed killer guilt trip.  But still a great read :-)
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